There will be a Regular Membership Meeting on Sunday, August 22nd, 2021 at 1:00 pm at the TCJMC arena pad. Lunch served at 12:30 pm. CANCELLED DUE TO LACK OF QUORUM.
Curfew is now 12 am to 6 am (exemptions apply). Visiting and public gatherings are permitted but safety measures must be followed. Non-residents must provide identification upon request.
Moose Cree First Nation invites vendors to submit renovation quotations for our newly acquired office building located at 36 Birch Street South in Timmins, Ontario.
July 15th and July 22nd. Learn about business contract opportunities related to the planned Smoky Falls Spillway Project and final contracts for the Little Long Dam Safety Project.
A decrease in water pressure will begin at 6 pm on Thursday, July 15th to approximately 6 am on Friday, July 16th. This is to facilitate critical repairs on a sewage lift station.
National Chief Archibald, a member of the Taykwa Tagamou First Nation, was elected National Chief on July 8, 2021. She is the first woman in the history of the AFN to be elected to lead the organization.
Visiting between close relatives is permitted if all members of those households are fully vaccinated. Public gatherings remain banned. Travellers must quarantine for three days.
The Comprehensive Community Planning team is seeking input regarding the goals and actions for the Language & Culture and Governance & Leadership sectors.