Lands & Resources
Preserving our traditional homeland.
The Lands & Resources department is responsible for the management, protection, conservation and preservation of the Moose Cree First Nation traditional homelands on behalf of its citizens while balancing sustainable development.
This map displays historical occupancy of family areas that were identified by our elders. The area identified was before the government trap line system was established. This map serves as a guide for contemporary land management by Moose Cree First Nation.
Map is for illustrative purposes only and should not be used as a precise indicator of location or size of features or as a guide for navigation.
Support for Traditional Activities
By subsidizing travel costs, our Harvesters Subsidy Program and Trappers Support Program help Moose Cree First Nation members get out on the land to pursue traditional activities.
Harvesters Subsidy Program
Moose Cree First Nation understands the importance of getting out on the land. It is a time to harvest traditional food and reconnect with nature. With this in mind, we are pleased to offer the Harvesters Subsidy Program every spring and fall harvesting season. This subsidy assists with the costs of travelling to camp, but is not intended to cover other expenses.
Trappers Support Program
Similar to the Harvesters Subsidy Program, our Trappers Support Program provides assistance with costs associated with going out on the land. Applications are due in November and will be available online at a later date.