CCP Seeks Community Feedback
June 3, 2021Niska 1 Ferry Schedule
June 10, 2021Changes to pandemic by-law:
6. At the screening checkpoint, all travellers must declare whether they are vaccinated or not.
7. Non-residents of Moose Factory that declare they are vaccinated must provide documentation.
10. All gatherings in the community remain banned until further notice, unless deemed essential, or are authorized by the PEOT and approved safety measures are implemented.
13. Any resident or non-resident with symptoms of COVID-19, must arrange for COVID-19 testing with the Moose Factory Health Centre by calling 705.658.4220; such individuals must self-isolate inside his or her residence until a negative test result is confirmed and guidance from the Moose Factory Health Centre is provided.
14. Residents and non-residents of Moose Factory that are not fully vaccinated that travel must quarantine for seven (7) days upon return and self-monitor for symptoms for an additional seven days. Others in the household are not required to quarantine, unless any of the individuals in the household begin to exhibit symptoms.
15. Residents and non-residents of Moose Factory who are fully vaccinated (two shots) that travel away from the community must quarantine for seven (7) days upon return.
16. All residents of Moose Factory that traveled away from the community and arrive on or after June 2, 2021 must follow the seven (7) day quarantine requirement.
17. All residents of Moose Factory that traveled away from the community and arrived on or before June 1, 2021 must follow the fourteen (14) day quarantine requirement.
Temporary Effectiveness
29. As per Council Motion # 2021-03-051 passed on June 3, 2021, this bylaw will remain in force for an additional twenty (20) days to June 23, 2021, unless that time period is extended or abridged by resolution of Council.
To read the complete by-law, open attached PDF document.