Regular Membership Meeting CANCELLED
May 4, 2020National Nurses Week
May 12, 2020MCFN and Expedition Helicopters Travel Restrictions effective May 5, 2020
Moose Cree First Nation and the Moose Factory Pandemic Emergency Operations Team have declared that all non-essential travel between Moose Factory and Moosonee is on hold until further notice.
Discussions were held with Expedition Helicopters and it was agreed for the safety of both communities that there will be no daily skeds or charters for the general public for the Spring breakup season. This is also in compliance with Bylaw #1609 passed by Chief & Council.
The only exemptions to this will include:
- Travel to and from spring camps in the James Bay region.
- Travel for businesses and organizations for their employees that provide essential services and documentation will be required for this.
- Family emergencies relating to medical, palliative and funerals and these will be dealt with on a case by case basis.
Please contact your freight delivery service provider should you require such services. No drugs or alcohol are permitted any Expedition flights for the spring breakup season. Everyone travelling on Expedition Helicopters must be free of COVID-19 symptoms. As per a recent requirement by Transport Canada, all passengers on Expedition Helicopters are required to wear masks that cover the mouth and nose. Charters will only be approved to operate weekdays from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.
All charter booking requests can be directed to Doug Jeffries at