Nomination Report
July 28, 2020Notice to Social Assistance Clients
August 5, 2020By-law has been extended to August 31st, 2020.
WHEREAS the spread of COVID-19 has been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization on March 11, 2020.
WHEREAS the Province of Ontario declared an emergency under subsection 7.0.1(3) of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act because the COVID-19 pandemic “constitutes a danger of major proportions that could result in serious harm to persons.” This declaration has been extended to June 30, 2020.
WHEREAS the Moose Factory Pandemic Emergency Operations Team was formed and includes representatives from Moose Cree First Nation, MoCreebec, and Weeneebayko Area Health Authority.
WHERAS the Moose Factory Pandemic Operations Team has determined that the community of Moose Factory must re-open at a slower rate than the rest of the province to due to the high percentage of community members with pre-existing conditions that place them at high risk, and due to the community’s limited health infrastructure to manage a COVID-19 outbreak.
WHEREAS Chief and Council, the Moose Factory Pandemic Operations Team, and the Local Services Board support the continued restriction of non-essential activities within the entire community of Moose Factory Island to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
WHEREAS the Moose Cree First Nation has an inherent right to self-government and existing Aboriginal and treaty rights throughout the whole of the Moose Cree Homeland, rooted in the pre-colonial occupation of our Homeland by our ancestors and in our pre-existing systems of law and governance.
WHEREAS Chief and Council have the authority and jurisdiction pursuant to the inherent and treaty rights of Moose Cree First Nation and sections 81(1)(a), (c), (d), (p), (q), and (r) of the Indian Act to enact emergency measures to prevent the spreading of contagious and infectious diseases.
NOW THEREFORE, Chief and Council hereby enact the following bylaw for the protection of public health and safety on Moose Factory Island:
Emergency Preventative Measures
- Social circles can be established with 10 people that you choose to have close contact with. If you have 8 people in your household, you can add 2 others to your circle. If your circle includes an Elder or a vulnerable person you should avoid gathering with others without strict prevention measures in place.
- Indoor gatherings of 15 people or less are permitted as long as space allows for 2 meters of physical distancing between people, handwashing is practiced and sanitizing can occur. This will vary based on size of space. Avoid confined areas.
- Outdoor gatherings of 20 people or less are permitted only if strict social/physical distancing is maintained the entire time.
- Outdoor funerals of 40 people are permitted with strict physical distancing between households; sanitizers and masks.
- The wearing of masks is mandatory for all Moose Factory Island residents and non-residents in all public spaces and where physical distancing of 2 meters is not possible.
- If you have programming or gathering planned, please contact the Moose Factory Health Centre for further guidance.
- Any person with symptoms of COVID-19, including fever and cough, must self-isolate inside his or her residence and strictly avoid contact with others for fourteen (14) days or, if symptoms have not resolved after fourteen (14) days, until twenty-four (24) hours after symptoms have fully and completely resolved.
- Non-residents of Moose Factory that travel to Moose Factory, from communities other than Moosonee, Ontario shall quarantine for fourteen (14) days upon arrival in Moose Factory.
- Upon arrival in Moose Factory Island, non-residents shall report to screening checkpoints in Moose Factory Island or contact Moose Factory Public Health at 705.658.4220.
- Non-residents of Moose Factory that must travel to Moose Factory to perform an essential service will be permitted to do so only with the permission of the Moose Factory Pandemic Operations Team, with the exception of those that have a modified quarantine and access to Personal Protective Equipment
- Residents of Moose Factory that travel away from the community, beyond Moosonee, Ontario must quarantine for fourteen (14) days upon returning to Moose Factory.
- Visits to Elders or individuals with underlying health issues shall be avoided where reasonably possible and groceries and supplies shall be delivered to such persons without direct contact or entry to their residences where reasonably possible.
Restorative Justice
- In order to promote accountability to each other as band members of Moose Cree First Nation and to each other as members of the entire community of Moose Factory Island, those who violate this bylaw will be contacted by a member of a Pandemic Restorative Justice Team. A discussion will take place on the importance of this bylaw and how following it will keep all our community members healthy and safe, particularly those most at risk should they come into contact with COVID-19, including those pre-existing conditions and Elders.
- The Pandemic Restorative Justice Team will include representatives of the Moose Factory Pandemic Emergency Operations Team and other health professionals, members of Chief & Council, and will also include community Elder and Youth representatives.
- Community members that observe violations of the bylaw can make referrals to the Pandemic Restorative Justice Team by contacting the following:
a. Sara Wesley, Executive Administrative Assistant at or at 705-288-1217, or;
b. Caroline Sutherland, Executive Receptionist at or 705-365-8382
Temporary Effectiveness
- As per Council Motion #2020-04-163 passed on July 30, 2020, this bylaw will remain in force for an additional thirty-one (31) days to August 31, 2020, unless that time period is extended or abridged by resolution of Council.