Farmers Market Pre-Orders
July 21, 2021Regular Membership Meeting
July 26, 2021Amendments are marked in yellow in the PDF linked below, and are as follows:
Emergency Preventative Measures
2. A mandatory 12:00 am to 6:00 am curfew for all residents of Moose Factory Island will remain in effect. Exemptions will be made only for those attending work, in need of medical care and for those participating in traditional harvesting.
4. All non-residents(unknown to checkpoint staff) of Moose Factory must provide identification upon request at the screening checkpoints.
9. Visiting is permitted on the condition that safety measures are followed.
10. All public gatherings such as funerals, community meetings, etc. must ensure safety measures are implemented and approved by PEOT.
Temporary Effectiveness
25. As per Council Motion # 2021-04-110 passed on July 22, 2021, this bylaw will remain in force for an additional fourteen (14) days to August 5, 2021, unless that time period is extended or abridged by resolution of Council.
To read the complete by-law, open attached PDF document.