Farmers Market Pre-Orders
April 15, 2020Regular Membership Meeting
April 16, 2020We are continuing in our efforts to minimize the risk of a potential spread of the COVID-19 virus so thank you for not coming directly to the First Nation Ontario Works office. Although the MCFN Office is closed to the public we do still report to work and are in our offices.
As per our initial posting, if you require assistance please contact your worker via email or by voice mail messaging. Your worker will assist you over the phone or by email.
Program Staff Contact Information
Norma McComb, Director of Social Assistance
, 705-658-4619 ext. 223
Edna Sutherland, Case Worker
, 705-658-4619 ext. 275
Hayley Cheechoo, Case Worker
, 705-658-4619 ext. 225
Verna Cheechoo, Finance Clerk/Receptionist
, 705-658-4619 ext. 222
Income Statement / Return Cards
Until further notice we will not be issuing Income Statement/Return Cards instead please send as an email stating that you are returning for the next month’s social assistance and whether or not you have income to report or call if you are not able to email. For those with income to report, forward copies of cheque stubs or pay advices through email. Please do the same with rent or board & lodge receipts or hydro bills.
Home Repairs
Home repairs will be provided only on an emergency basis.
Applying for Ontario Works Assistance
For those who need to apply for Ontario Works Assistance please contact us and we will make arrangements and such appointments will be scheduled accordingly.
Bank Accounts
We are continuing to encourage clients to set up bank accounts or give us existing bank account information (Direct Deposit Slips from bank or We Card Info) so we can use the Direct Deposit system as much as possible. Complete your forms and again email them to your work and cc Norma or Verna.
Thank you for your cooperation.