Office Reopened to the Public
March 9, 2022Water Conservation Notice
March 9, 2022Ice time at the TCJMC arena in Moose Factory can now be booked online!
Ice rentals are available from Mondays to Fridays between 8 am – 5 pm.
Rentals must be paid immediately upon booking ice time or the booking will be cancelled. Renters can take a screen shot of the confirmation of payment and email it to the arena staff at .
Payment methods:
Online Banking
Add “MOOSE CREE FIRST NATION UTILIT” as the payee and input account number 36100.
Pay with credit card by phone
Call the finance office at 705-658-4619 ext. 238 to pay with a credit card.
Office hours are 9 am to 4 pm Monday to Friday (by appointment only if paying in person).
COVID-19 Safety Protocols
Renters must ensure that all users are following community and arena covid protocols. If you’re sick, stay home. Continue to social distance and wear masks while in the facility. Renters must keep a record of all individuals present during the ice time rental period.
Questions? Contact the arena staff:
705-658-4196 or