GOOP Vendor and Information Booth Forms
July 18, 2022Treaty Annuity Payments
July 21, 2022Moose Cree First Nation invites all potential users of a bridge from Moose Factory to Moosonee to participate in this quick survey.
We are interested in learning how a bridge from Moose Factory Island to Moosonee could benefit the community and its residents.
- The cost to construct the bridge is estimated to be over $160 million dollars
- The bridge could support vehicles and pedestrians in crossing the Moose River in all seasons
- Many community benefits, including access to services, economic development, safety, emergency services and others may be provided by developing the bridge
Completing this survey will help provide important information on how our community travels across the river and how it may benefit from developing a bridge in the future.
Survey closes July 31st, 2022
All survey respondents will be entered in prize draws for five (5) $200 Visa gift cards!
Thank you for your input.